Pander Express

But of course, that resource system would never fly. Too complicated. Too inaccessible. Too many moving parts and things to learn and guides to read and timings to master. Strategy guides would be replaced with forum rants, like BS monk resource system forces me to practice, or Thanks Blizzard, Monks unplayable because I lack rhythm. Players don’t want homework. They just want to press buttons and get loot.

If Blizzard thought I was going to believe that “all players spec’d into X” were worth an equal amount of time investment to vet, I would have liked to question them if their hiring practices allowed for a trial period of every single applicant that sends Blizzard a resume.

Less is more “If Blizzard thought I was going to believe “all players spec’d into X” were worth vetting, I would have asked them if their hiring practices allowed for a trial period of every applicant that sent them a resume.”

trying to get a read on what they actually thought about their intention to blatantly ripoff of Pokémon.

Remove “of”

but we also don’t people to be kicked for no reason.

Add “want” after “don’t”

was solely focused on ruing their MMO


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