I enjoyed the read, so why not have us continue it on here with our own answers? I’ll go next!
When did you start playing video games?
Somewhere around the time I was 4 or 5 years old. I was born in 1988 and our Nintendo Entertainment System was the first one I’m actually able to remember. I know my family owned some Ataris and the like but I have no memories of playing those in my lifetime.
What is the first game you remember playing?
Super Mario Bros. 3
PC or Console?
At this point in my life, I’m going to have to go with PC. I have no ill will towards consoles whatsoever, as I grew up on them and still own them, but I would say my PC has dominated my gaming time even putting MMOs aside. There are an awful lot of pros to having a solid gaming computer compared to owning the latest-gen consoles.
Xbox, PlayStation, or Wii?
I used to be on team Microsoft, but after going through several bricked Xbox 360s I am finding myself more and more on team Sony. I don’t really lump myself into any fanboy camp, as I have owned both a 360 and PS3, but the next console I am buying is likely a PS4 and not an Xbox One. I’m not into the whole Kinetic and overall media experience. Just game, baby.
What’s the best game you’ve ever played?
That is a loaded question. Aside from the classics, and aside from WoW, I don’t think there is a game I’ve played through more than Dragon Age: Origins. Is that the right criteria to say best, though? Probably not. It had plenty of flaws. What’s objectively best to me? I have no idea. I am a sucker for the games I spend the most time on for all their flaws and perfections. The entire Mass Effect franchise is one I hold dear, ending controversy and all. I still fucking love it.
What’s the worst game you’ve ever played?
I got nothing here. There’s been games that I just can’t get into but I don’t remember spending time on anything so excruciatingly bad that it left an impression on me.
Name a game that was popular/critically adored that you just didn’t like.
Minecraft. It’s clever but I never had any interest at all in spending time on it.
Name a game that was poorly received that you really like.
Hmm, the usual controversial BioWare sequels like Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2. They’re not without flaws but I love them all the same. I even loved ME3 multiplayer mode. Honorable mention: Elder Scrolls Online. I still enjoy it.
What are your favourite game genres?
I love RPGs, action RPGs, MMORPGs and turn-based strategy games mostly. I can sit down and play a variety of other games that are more action and adventure, with some shooter but not really first-person shooter. I don’t like FPS at all these days.
Who is your favourite game protagonist?
Commander Shepard all the way.
Describe your perfect video game.
My perfect video game is as engrossing as a great book. I want the story to blow me away. I want to feel emotion and be affected by the game. I want to be surprised by revelations and pissed off about unfortunate twists. I want the world to be captivating and beautiful. The gameplay should be challenging enough for me to feel rewarded when I get past a difficult encounter but not so hard or stacked against me that the game just isn’t fun. I like a lot of gameplay depth and customization. I want to micromanage my character and be invested in his or her success. And I want the protagonist to win. No tragic hero!
What video game character do have you have a crush on?
I’ve always been fond of Tali’Zorah in the Mass Effect series.
What game has the best music?
I’m going to steal Shawn’s answer and go with WoW. I always enjoyed the variety and how well done the zone music was.
Most memorable moment in a game:
In Resident Evil 4, I was seeing how far I could only get with only a knife. When I got to the El Gigante boss battle, we were playing “Jump” by Van Halen and somehow his introduction cut scene matched up so perfectly to the music as the monster was smashing and killing various people. Tears of laughter ensued while watching it. I then proceeded to kill him with the knife and got most of the way through the game until I found a boss that I couldn’t reach with the knife. Good times.
Scariest moment in a game:
The original Resident Evil in numerous spots. Playing the game late at night when I was 8 or 9 years old and feeling genuine terror going around every corner. The experience didn’t age quite as well but it stuck with me. I’m going to add an honorable mention where I was playing Hexen on the N64 as a kid and had a lucid dream incorporating some of the monsters from that game. I actually started sleepwalking and pulled a knife from the kitchen before my brother woke me up. Weird shit and absolutely true story. I was apparently yelling “get away from me!” in my sleep. FYI, nothing like that ever happened again.
Most heart-wrenching moment in a game:
The final episode of Telltale’s The Walking Dead season 1. You sort of know where the game is heading by that point and it doesn’t feel good at all, but even though there was a little bit of good to come from what transpires, I felt absolutely crushed by most of the ending. It’s just one of the few games that actually messed with my emotions and made me feel like shit for a while when it was over. Great game, but queue the “lie down, try not to cry, cry a lot” meme in full force here.
What are your favourite websites/blogs about games?
I read Joystiq and Kotaku for news pretty regularly. I follow MMO stuff on MMO-Champion along with Hearthpwn for all my Hearthstone-related needs. I’m also a regular on Tamriel Foundry Forums for ESO news and discussion. 8YIA is pretty good but feels like deja vu for some reason. 
What’s the last game you finished?
Probably something for 3DS like Fire Emblem or Pokemon Y. I’ve been slacking a bit since I got the new job but I got a lot of games coming on the pipeline as I will mention for the next question…
What future releases are you most excited about?
Dragon Age: Inquisition and Pokemon Omega Ruby are the main games I’m waiting on. Warlords of Draenor will be dropping in November as well so that seems like a good month overall. I might pick up the new 3DS Super Smash Bros. game in October. Why not?
Do you identify as a gamer?
I’m honestly split on this one now. A few years ago, I would have said “hell yeah!” but I’m finding the bulk of gaming discussion pretty brutal these days when it comes to forums, websites or social media. There’s plenty of good conversation to have with mature folks about gaming but I find myself at odds a lot with the standard fanboy, hater and whiner paradigms. Maybe it’s more the community I’m detached from because I consider myself a gamer through and through. I’m just less-than-happy with how many gamers represent themselves around the internet nowadays. There’s a ton of great media, like weekly shows or webcomics where gamers get it right. Don’t get me wrong there, but anytime I see a bit of news about a game or hop on a forum, it’s nothing but bitching and moaning over stuff that feels trivial to me. Maybe I’ve evolved into the “mature gamer” stage at this point!
Why do you play video games?
Video games are my escape in more than one way. When I’m playing an excellent, story-driven game I want to get immersed and live out a story through the eyes of the main character. That is like my equivalent of sitting down and getting lost in a long novel that’s more fun and interactive. There are also the kinds of games where I can just sit down and play for a short time, be it socially or just to pass the time. For social games such as MMOs, it’s all about the community and playing with people I like. It’s sort of the “poker night” for nerds and we’re all entitled to those. That’s why I play.