Cloud syncing software

Awhile ago I stopped using the given cloud software .exes services for your pc to auto sync folders because of a bad experience with Google Drive and smaller issues with file versions in other services.

I backed up my entire Google Drive onto a thumb drive. I re-installed windows on a new HDD I bought. Now rather than wasting bandwidth and re-downloading my entire Google Drive sync, I installed the Google Drive and manually put in my backup. Google Drive did not recognize these as its original files and proceeded to still download every file off its server as “filename(1)”. So I stopped it as soon as I saw this. I decided to bite the bullet and just redownload everything over time. I check marked a box saying only sync top directory. My intention was to only sync files and folders at the top and then slowly check mark sub-directories over time. Well this is where the downloaded sync client screws up royally.

Only Sync this folder, no subdirectory folders such as /music, /documents
C:\Google Drive

It was a quick sync just as I had wanted. Folder names were there but empty as expected. The next step was to start check marking sub-directories to sync and fill up from the server to my PC. Nothing was downloading… I checked on-line and it was as if my PC told the server the sub-directory contents were deleted since my PC only saw them as empty and deleted all of them off my on-line Google Drive… After weeks of getting shitty customer service I just was glad i had my own backup and stopped using the service.

My question is:

Is there a cloud client service that recognizes same file versions in the sync folder so I don’t have to re-download crap on new hardware? I want to be able to have an on-line backup recognize I manually put files into the sync folder that are the same versions and not still sync over them again.

This is where I think you made your first mistake. The entire purpose of the syncing services is to handle the sync for you, so side-stepping it to try to come up with a way to do it on your own can lead to some bad outcomes – this is going to be true for services beyond Google Drive as well. We’ve had our IT folks (inadvertently) create problems such as these with and I’m certain Dropbox and Skydrive could also replicate these shenanigans.

My advice: resume your regular use of whatever service(s) you prefer, and don’t try to manually cut corners on the sync. Install the software they give you, and let them fly – don’t try to do any manual backups/reloads of the drives on your own…

especially with removable media, which only causes more confusion for a sync.

It is going to be an order of magnitude easier for you to install the sync software on fresh hardware, and let the sync do its job for you, rather than you trying to cut corners and do it yourself. I realize that this may go against your traditional way of thinking in regards to backing up your files as we have done in the past…but cloud sync software is a new beast and they’ve done a pretty damn good job of getting it squared away.

Besides…who cares about bandwidth these days? Bust out that US Robotics 56.6k modem!!